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AnimalNatura Hühnerherzen - 60g

AnimalNatura Hühnerherzen Gefriergetrocknet für ihre individuelle Futterzubereitung.

Article #:
Hund, Katze
Available from specialist retailers
Selected for you with love
Grösse: 60g
  • AnimalNatura Hühnerherzen Gefriergetrocknet

    AnimalNatura Hühnerherzen Gefriergetrocknet für ihre individuelle Futterzubereitung.

  • Zusammensetzung
  • 100% Hühnerherzen

    Analytische Bestandteile vom Barf-Futter:

    • Feuchtigkeit in 1,3%
    • Rohasche in 4,4%
    • Rohprotein in 69,7%
    • Rohfett in 21,9%
    • Rohfaser in 0,6%
    • N-freie Extratstoffe in 2,1%

    Unsere angegebene Menge beim Produkt ist die gefriergetrocknete Menge und wird durch das hinzugeben von Wasser wieder auf die natürliche Menge ansteigen. Dieses ist bei der Futtermenge zu berücksichtigen.




    Gefriergetrocknete Menge x 4 = Barf-Rohmenge
    BARF-Rohmenge / 4 = gefriergetrocknete Menge

    Zubereitung gefriergetrocknetes Barf-Futter:
    Für eine Mahlzeit kann pro Gramm der gefriergetrocknete Menge bis zu 3 ml Wasser hinzugefügt werden und anschliessend 10 Minuten stehen gelassen werden. Alternativ kann das gefriergetrocknete Futter auch direkt ihrem Tier gegeben werden, wir empfehlen dann zusätzlich Wasser zur Verfügung zu stellen.

    Individuelle Zubereitung von Barf-Futter:
    Viele Barf-Kunden kennen es und möchten das Futter individuell zusammen stellen. Es kann aus allen gefriergetrockneten Produkten von AnimalNatura individuell ihr persönliches Futter zusammengestellt werden. Weiter kann auch Gemüse dazu gegeben werden.


Dehydriertes Lammprotein (29%), hydrolisiertes Lammprotein (21%), Baldo-Reis (18%), Mais, raffiniertes Hühneröl, Sardellenmehl, Bierhefe, Sardellenöl, Johannisbrot, Nukleotid-Hefeprotein, getrocknete Rübenschnitzel, Mineralien, präbiotische Mannan-Oligosaccaride, Algen, Blaubeerpulver, Yucca-Extrakt, Flohsamen, Ringelblumenpulver.
Hypoallergen: Enthalten kein Rindfleisch, Milchprodukte und Weizen.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are naturally occurring nutrients which are involved in the production of cartilage within joints. Cartilage is continually being broken down and rebuilt in the body, and these nutrients are essential to ensure that he building process continues and the breakdown is not excessive. In most healthy adult dogs there is sufficient produced by the body however, in some dogs additional supplementation via the food is necessary. Most of the Cagatay dog foods contain both nutrients, with raised levels in the food for large breeds, Whilst additional supplementation with pills and powders is not necessarily harmful, as excess is excreted in the urine, it can be a waste of money.

Puppy foods can be introduced at weaning by softening a few kibbles with warm water not with the milk and leave them close to their bed. If they do not accept the food readily you can also put a small spot of soften food on their front paws, which they will tend to lick and hence become familiar to the smell and taste. Once they have accepted the moistened food an additional bowl of dry food can be placed nearby and the quantity of moistened food reduced, which will encourage them to move across to the dry. Once they have all accepted the dry food the moistened food can be removed, but always allow them nearby access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Some dogs do prefer wet food however, dry feeding can be more convenient and cost effective. To introduce your dog to dry food for the first time it is advisable to do so very gradually by mixing a little dry food in with the wet food. It is often the texture of the dry food that the dog can find unusual, so do not be worried if it rejects the dry food at first. You can also soften the food with a little warm water, never milk because by adding milk to a nutritionally complete food, it will add fat, sugar and protein and so will potentially unbalance the diet and some dogs, have an intolerance to lactose contained in particularly cow’s milk which causes loose faeces and sometimes vomiting. You can also offer one or two kibbles by hand as a treat before its main meal. Once it has accepted a few kibbles you can increase the proportion of dry to wet food over a period of around a week, until dry is the only food offered.

Both Cagatay poultry and lamb based foods are nutritionally complete, and so provide all of the nutrients that our cats need on a daily basis. It is not really correct to say that lamb or poultry is more suitable for a cat, it is more important to recognise that a good quality food is always better than a poor quality diet, regardless of the meat type. And its also possible to switch between meet types for our cat to taste different foods without any problems.